


For Startup-ers, your Employee number says a lot about your story.

Startup employee stock option financing is as complex as it sounds. From founder to Employee Number 10,000 – we wanted to share the thoughts and questions each startup-er faces as they encounter big decisions about equity. We created secfi’s first ever ad campaign and partnered to develop a new visual identity suited to their expertise.


Learning the business was a thrilling challenge. As a two-time startup employee myself, I was excited to bring some of my personal experiences into the stories we were writing. In addition to the campaign concept and assets, I helped create visual direction for animation, photography, and social media systems.


Role: Art Director
Creative Director: Jon Lancaric / Go Sohara
Campaign Agency: Death of Bad
Production: Five Fathoms
Animation: Yoyo Dong, Adeline Cao,
Color: Eric “EZ” Pascua
Secfi Partners: Shanna Leonard, Robin Stordeur, Luis Konrad